Town of New Hope, Wisconsin
Town of New Hope, Wisconsin

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Upcoming Events
12:00 am Mail-In Absentee Ballots sent 9/...
Mail-In Absentee Ballots sent 9/...
Sep 19 @ 12:00 am – Oct 31 @ 12:00 am
Request through MyVote, or in writing by email ( or mail (1501 Cty. Rd. ZZ North, Amherst Junction.)
9:00 am New Hope Recycling Day @ New Hope Town Hall
New Hope Recycling Day @ New Hope Town Hall
Sep 21 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Car and Light Truck Tires: $3.00 each Tractor and Large Truck Tires: $20.00 each (must help unload) TV: Cabinet TV: $40.00   Tube TV: $20.00   Small TV: $10.00 Car Batteries, Electronics, and most Appliances:  No Charge[...]