Garbage & Recycling
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- 2025 Town of New Hope Garbage and Recycling Calendar
- Garbage and Recycling collection will be delayed one day if any of the following holidays fall on a weekday: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
- 2024-Town-of-New-Hope-Garbage and Recycling Calendar
- Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the New Hope Town Hall (9785 Town Hall Road)
- Accepted items include:
- Car and Light Truck Tires: $3.00 each
- Tractor and Large Truck Tires: $20.00 each (must help unload)
- TV: Cabinet TV: $40.00 Tube TV: $20.00 Small TV: $10.00
- Car Batteries, Electronics, and most Appliances: No Charge
- Appliances with freon: $25.00
- A reminder post card is being mailed this week to each residential home.
- NOTE: Items not listed above and items not accepted by Harter’s can be taken to the Portage Co. Solid Waste and Transfer Station, 600 Moore Rd., Plover, WI 54467. Please call (715) 343-6297 for cost, hours of operation, and location details.
- Accepted items include:
TOWN-WIDE GARBAGE & RECYCLING in the Town of New Hope. Effective January 1, 2022, the Town of New Hope implemented town-wide garbage and recycling pick-up for all residents (primary and seasonal homes). To accomplish this the Town entered into a seven-year contract with Harter’s Fox Valley Disposal to provide these services to all households in New Hope. The Town of New Hope was one of the last towns in Portage County to go to a town-wide system and the decision to go in this direction was based on resident demand due to concerns with the cost and level of service currently available. Under this arrangement service is maintained, with the cost to each household considerably reduced.
- In 2024, a $204 special assessment for garbage and recycling services was included on every household’s 2023 property tax bill (primary, seasonal, and rental homes). The 2022 property tax bills issued in January 2023 included a $213 special assessment for garbage and recycling.
- Harter’s Fox Valley Disposal provides town-wide garbage and recycling pick-up services to all Town of New Hope households (primary, seasonal, rental homes).
- Garbage is picked up weekly, and single-stream recycling every other week. Containers should be placed in an accessible and visible spot for the drivers.
- If there is any problem regarding pick-up service, please report it to the Town Clerk (715 677 4784) as soon as possible so that we can correct it.
- You can also email questions regarding garbage service to townofnewhopeclerk@gmail
- If you are a new resident: Contact the Town Clerk (715 677 4784) to add service.
- Harter’s will drop two containers at your address, one to be used for garbage and one for recycling. Included with the containers will be instructions, pick-up schedule and other details.
- What’s recyclable?
- Click here
A Special Recycling Event will be held by the Town of New Hope each fall for some items that are not eligible for recycling (tires, electronics, batteries, etc.).
Watch for this and other special events hosted by New Hope, surrounding towns, and Portage County – we’ll post those events and opportunities on our home page.
To dispose of materials that Harter’s does not take, go to the Portage County Solid Waste website: Here you’ll find information about disposing household furniture, appliances, hazardous waste, operational hours, and costs associated.
Information about Harter’s
- Harter’s uses:
- split body trucks on recycling days to keep refuse and recyclables separated by using two individual compartments with simultaneous packing, saving on route costs and reducing our carbon footprint by eliminating the need for another truck to pick up the recyclables.
- single-stream collection for recycling: all acceptable recyclables should be placed un-bagged in the recycling container. An easy-to-follow list of what is recyclable can be seen here: Harters_Recycling_Guidelines
- Here are the instructions from Harter’s: Harter’s instructions Recycling details: Harter’s Recycling Guidelines
- Please see the list below of what is not accepted by Harter’s for recycling.
- Large item pick-up (appliances, furniture, and other large items) by Harter’s is available for an additional charge to the household. Phone: (888) 804-8556 or (715) 253-2619 to schedule their large item pick up.
- Payment is required before pick-up. The cut off for scheduling pick up will be 2:00 p.m. the day prior to pick up day (alternate Thursdays).
- For items not accepted for curbside pick-up, contact the Portage Co. Solid Waste Facility, 600 Moore Road, Plover, WI (715) 343-6297
- Items may be dropped off (for a nominal fee) at the Portage County Transfer facility in Plover during business hours. Please refer to their website for specific pricing and operational hours.
- Here is a reference guide to what can and cannot be recycled through Portage Co Solid Waste. Portage County Recycling Guide – English
Please note that Harter’s will NOT accept the following items. Non-compliance will result in a warning.
- any liquid waste
- ashes
- appliances or furniture
- asbestos, in any form
- building demo materials (lumber, metal, shingles, siding, etc.)
- carcasses
- chemicals
- construction debris
- electronics. Includes televisions, computers, monitors, cellular phones, copiers, printers, DVD players, VCRs, etc.
- explosives, liquids
- flammable liquids
- hazardous or toxic wastes
- medical wastes (unless personal needles which shall be properly contained in sharps container)
- paint
- recycling materials mixed with other refuse
- refuse or recycling containers whose content exceeds 100 pounds in weight
- tires (these can be picked up on large item day)
- trees and stumps
- used motor oil or filters
- vehicle batteries
- yard waste